Company Reinstatement
from $495 (INCL GST)

Reinstatement will restore a company to registered as if it was never deregistered.

We can help to apply for reinstatement of a deregistered company. 

If ASIC approves reinstatement, the entity will be revived as if it had never been deregistered, and all the directors and shareholders resume their rights and responsibilities as they were at the time of deregistration.

We provide the following company reinstatement services:

  1. Check if the company name is still available. If the name is still available, we can help to reserve it to ensure it's still available when the company is reinstated.
  2. Help you to determine the reinstatement cost.
  3. Request a detailed estimate of fees to be paid with ASIC online.
  4. Complete the relevant ASIC Form with full payment of fee and send to ASIC to process. The applicant will need to provide evidence of the following:
    • The company was still carrying on business when it was deregistered
    • There were legal proceedings in existence at the time of deregistration, or the company has outstanding liabilities.
    • There was more than $1,000 of assets in the company at the time of deregistration.
    • There was a procedural error that caused the deregistration.
    • Not every shareholder agreed to voluntarily deregister the company.
    • Before ASIC will re-instate the company, all outstanding fees must be paid. This includes any fees owed at the time of deregistration, and any annual review fees for the period that the company was deregistered.

When the full payment and an application has been lodged with ASIC, it may take up to 28 days for a decision to be made. We will also provide any relevant documents for this process such as minutes of meeting.

How long does the Company Reinstatement take?

Generally, between 6 to 8 weeks. This depends on the matter complexity. Patricia Holdings staff will contact you upon receipt of the order and advise an expected timeframe. 

How much does the Company Reinstatement cost?

  • Patricia Holdings service fee: $450+GST, plus
  • ASIC fee: to be determined by ASIC when we request it with ASIC online.
  • If you wish to reserve the business name for 2 months (while waiting for ASIC): $143.00 (optional but recommended). 
How to Order
Conversion of Shares to Another Class
from $550 (INCL GST)

Subject to the governing documents, a company may convert shares from one class of shares to another. Section 246F(1)(b) of the Corporations Act 2001 states that a company must lodge notice in the prescribed form following “a conversion of shares in a class of shares in the company into shares in another class.”

In order to notify ASIC of this change, a Form Notification of division or conversion of classes of shares will need to be lodged. In order to avoid late fees, this form will need to be lodged within 14 days of the date of the conversion and cannot be lodged online.

We can help to convert issued shares to another class by providing the following key activities:

  • Shareholder Approval: we will help to prepare all necessary documents for meeting notices and minutes of resolution.
  • Update the Share Register: we will help to prepare forms and the share register
  • Issue New Share Certificates
  • Notify and lodge with ASIC with the appropriate form/s

We can assist you with Cancellation of Shares issued in your company.

Depending on the type of cancellation, generally we provide the following:

  • Preparation of appropriate ASIC forms
  • Notice of meetings
  • Members' resolution (as required)
  • Directors' resolution (as required)
  • Members register (as required)
  • Allotment journal (as required)
  • Share Certificates (optional extra)

How long does the Conversion of Shares to Another Class take?

Generally, between 1 to 4 weeks. This depends on the matter complexity. Patricia Holdings staff will contact you upon receipt of the order and advise an expected timeframe and prepare a quote for you.

How much does the Conversion of Shares to Another Classcost?

Starts from $500 +GST. This depends on the matter complexity. Patricia Holdings can provide you with an accurate, obligation free quote for your consideration.

How to Order
Shares Division or Consolidation
from $660 (INCL GST)

A company may convert its shares into a larger or smaller number by shareholders simply passing an ordinary resolution at an (Extraordinary) General Meeting [CA sec 254H].

Such a process might be seen as beneficial, particularly in a stock exchange listed company, to enhance the company’s profile and/or trading in its shares and/or market acceptability because it is seen by some parties as having ‘too many’ or ‘too few’ shares on issue and out ‘in the market’.

We can help to split or consolidate issued shares by providing the following key activities:

  • Shareholder Approval: we will help to prepare all necessary documents for meeting notices and minutes of resolution.
  • Update the Share Register: we will help to prepare forms and the share register
  • Re-Allocate Unpaid Share Amounts: we will help and provide instructions on this, include updating allotment journal and members register
  • Issue New Share Certificates
  • Notify and lodge with ASIC with the appropriate form/s

How long does the Shares Division or Consolidation take?

Generally, between 1 to 4 weeks. This depends on the matter complexity. Patricia Holdings staff will contact you upon receipt of the order and advise an expected timeframe and prepare a quote for you.

How much does the Shares Division or Consolidation cost?

Starts from $600 +GST. This depends on the matter complexity. Patricia Holdings can provide you with an accurate, obligation free quote for your consideration.

How to Order
Cancel Issued Shares in a Company
from $330 (INCL GST)

The Corporations Act limits a company’s ability to reduce its share capital prior to the company being wound up. The main reason for this is to protect the interests of creditors who are faced with the principle of limited liability should the company become insolvent, but also acts to protect the interests of and ensure fairness between shareholders.

A company can reduce its issued share capital in a number of ways under the Corporations Act 2001 – The two most common methods are:

  1. A share capital reduction: either equal reduction or selective reduction
  2. A share buy-back

Other types of cancellations are:

  • Redeemable Preference.
  • Forfeited Shares 

We can assist you with Cancellation of Shares issued in your company.

Depending on the type of cancellation, generally we provide the following:

  • Preparation of appropriate ASIC forms
  • Notice of meetings
  • Members' resolution (as required)
  • Directors' resolution (as required)
  • Members register (as required)
  • Allotment journal (as required)
  • Share Certificates (optional extra)

How long does the Cancellation of Shares take?

Generally, between 4 to 12 weeks. This depends on the cancellation types and complexity. Patricia Holdings staff will contact you upon receipt of the order and advise an expected timeframe and prepare a quote for you.

How much does the Cancellation of Shares cost?

Starts from $300 to $900 +GST. This depends on the cancellation types and complexity. Patricia Holdings can provide you with an accurate, obligation free quote for your consideration.

  • Capital Reduction (equal reduction): $600+GST, plus ASIC search fees
  • Capital Reduction (selective reduction): $760+GST, plus ASIC search fees
  • Share Buy-back: $900+GST, plus ASIC search fees
  • Redeemable Preference: $300+GST, plus ASIC search fees
  • Forfeited Shares: $300+GST, plus ASIC search fees
  • Other Share Cancellations: from $300+GST, plus ASIC search fees
How to Order
Convert Public to/from Pty Ltd Company
from $756 (INCL ASIC FEE $96 & GST)

Under s162 of the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth), Public companies limited by shares can be converted to or from standard Pty Ltd companies. A company may be instructed by ASIC to do so, or, a company may voluntarily choose to do this.

How long does it take to Convert a Company Type?

The length of time will largely depend on the nature of the company conversion. The total timeframe is likely to be about 6-10 weeks, and will involve:

  • The need to hold a members’ meeting to pass a special resolution to approve the conversion (generally, this requires 21 days’ notice of the meeting unless 95% of members agree to waive this notice), and approve a new constitution
  • ASIC Forms will need to be completed and signed by an Officeholder and lodged within 14 days after the members resolution is passed
  • Once ASIC has accepted the Forms, it will publish a notice in the Gazette that states that it intends to alter the details of the company’s registration. If no objections have been raised within one month of the notice, ASIC will proceed with the conversion.

What do we provide?

To process the conversion, we will provide:

  • A new constitution
  • Notice of the holding of a members’ meeting that provides 21 days notice and will need to be signed by a director (this is required unless 95% of members agree to waive this notice period)
  • A members’ minute approving the proposal (and, if the 21 day notice period is waived, the minute will need to reflect this resolution too) which must be signed by the chairperson at the members meeting
  • ASIC Forms which must be signed by an officeholder and returned to us
  • Any additional information that is required due to the nature of the conversion.

Generally, we can provide this information to you within 48-72 hours of receiving a request.

What do we need from you?

To process the conversion, we will need you to provide us with the following:

  • A completed order form
  • The new constitution (if not using the Patricia Holdings standard template)
  • Current company extract (or we can buy one for an additional $9)
  • Up to date Members register
Common Seal

Common Seal is an optional extra for $88.00 (inc GST)

How long does it take to Convert a Company Type?

Once the order is received, Patricia Holdings will prepare all documentation usually within 48-72 hours.The total length of time from document preparation to ASIC updating the register though will largely depend on the nature of the company conversion. The total timeframe is likely to be about 6-10 weeks.

How to Order

Standard ASIC Company Changes
from $132 (INCL GST)

Patricia Holdings can prepare and lodge ASIC Form 484 for you with all relevant minutes/resolutions and other necessary documentation provided including the following:

  • Change to any Company Addresses
  • Changes to Officeholders/Shareholders
  • Changes to Shares

What is included in the Preparations of ASIC Forms Package?

  • Members' resolution (as required)
  • Directors' resolution (as required)
  • Copy of ASIC Forms (as required)
  • Consents and resignations (as required)
  • Share Certificates (extra charges applies)

How long do the preparation of ASIC Forms take?

Your documents will be completed by Patricia Holdings staff the same day for all orders placed before 4pm and the Form 484 emailed to you for signing. Once the signed Form is returned, we will lodge the changes with ASIC and email you notification and register documents same day.

How to Order

Convert Company Type
from $242 (INCL GST)

If it is necessary to change your Company from its current type, we can convert to and from Public, Proprietary, Sole Purpose Superannuation Trustee, Not-For-Profit and Company Title Property (Home Unit) Companies. All conversions are processed through ASIC with all relevant minutes and resolutions provided, all Forms are completed for you and the appropriate Constitution adopted.

What is included in the Convert Company Type Package?

Converting Pty Limited to/from Super Trustee from $242 (incl GST)

  • Members' resolution
  • Directors' resolution
  • Copy of ASIC Form 484
  • 2 (1 bound, 1 loose leaf) copies of Constitution (if printed)

Converting Pty Limited to/from Not-For-Profit from $242 (incl GST)

  • Members' resolution
  • Directors' resolution
  • Copy of ASIC Form 484
  • 2 (1 bound, 1 loose leaf) copies of Constitution (if printed)

 Converting Pty Limited to/from Company Title Property (Home Unit) from $660 (incl GST)

  • Members' resolution
  • Directors' resolution
  • Copy of ASIC Form 484
  • 2 (1 bound, 1 loose leaf) copies of Constitution (if printed)

 Converting Pty Limited to/from Public from $747 (incl ASIC FEE $87 & GST)

  • Members' resolutions
  • Directors' resolution
  • Copy of ASIC Forms 205 and 206
  • 2 (1 bound, 1 loose leaf) copies of Constitution
  • ASIC Certificate of Registration for conversion of company type

How long does it take to Convert a Company Type?

To or From Pty Limited/Super/Not-For-Profit/Company Title Property - Documents will be prepared by Patricia staff the same day for all orders placed before 4pm. The Form 484 will be lodged with ASIC once the signed copy has been sent back to us via email. Once completed the documents will be emailed or sent via express post/courier to you.

To or From Pty Limited/Public - The ASIC Forms 205 and 206 can not be lodged electronically, and therefore must be signed by an Officeholder of the Company. Notice periods must be adhered to when processing this type of conversion. Once signed Forms are lodged with ASIC, ASIC will then publish a notification of the intention to convert the company type in the ASIC Gazette which usually takes a period of one month. Following this, ASIC will convert the Company type and send the new certificate to Patricia Holdings. The overall timeframe for this type of conversion is generally around 6-8 weeks. Please contact our team for further information.

Questions or further information

If you have any questions or require further information:

  • Please call us on 1800 226 735
  • Email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

How to Order

How to Order

Share Transfers or Issues (Allotments)
from $110 (INCL GST)

All Share issues (allotments) or Share transfers can be processed, including the provision of all relevant ASIC Forms and all necessary minutes or resolutions to update your Share structure. Additionally, new Share Certificates can be provided to you at an additional cost.

What is included in the Share Transfers / Share Issues Package?

  • Members' resolution (as required)
  • Directors' resolution (as required)
  • Security transfer forms (as required)
  • Copy of ASIC Form 484
  • Share Certificates (optional extra)

How long does the Share Transfer or Share Issue take?

Your documents will be completed by Patricia Holdings staff the same day for all orders placed before 4pm. The ASIC Form 484 will be lodged once we receive the signed copy back from you. If Share Certificates are ordered, these will be prepared and sent to you via email (or post at an additional fee).

How to Order

Conversion To Sole Person Company
from $242 (INCL GST)

In addition to adopting a new Constitution for the Company enabling it to operate with a Sole Director and Shareholder, we can process all the required clerical work to resign Company Directors and/or transfer shares necessary to change the Company into a Sole person format. All relevant ASIC Forms can be prepared and all necessary minutes or resolutions can be provided to you.

Optional Share Transfer:

From an additional fee, Patricia Holdings can also transfer any shares as required to convert the company to a sole person company.

What is included in the Conversion to Sole Person Company Package?

  • 2 (1 bound, 1 loose leaf) copies of Constitution
  • Members' resolution
  • Directors' minute
  • Copy of the ASIC Form 484

How long does the Conversion to Sole Person Company take?

Your conversion documentation will be completed by Patricia Holdings staff the same day for all orders placed before 4pm. The ASIC Form 484 will be lodged once the signed copy has been sent back.

Once completed all documents will be delivered to you via email or express post.

How to Order

Adoption Of New Constitution
from $176 (INCL GST)

If you have lost your Company Constitution or your Company is currently governed by a Memorandum and Articles of Association or an old Company Constitution, it may not enable the Company to operate with a Sole Director or Shareholder. We can provide your Company with an updated Company Constitution which includes all current changes to the Corporations Act.

You can also purchase a copy of the Patricia Holdings' Division 7A Loan Agreement for $85+gst. Please contact our friendly team on 02 9953 2399 to organise.

What is included in the Adoption of New Constitution Package?

  • 2 (1 bound, 1 hole punched) copies of Constitution (if printed)
  • Members' resolution
  • Instruction sheet

How long does the Adoption of a New Constitution take?

Your adoption will be completed by Patricia Holdings staff the same day for all orders placed before 4pm and sent to you via email or express post.

How to Order

Company Searches
from $64 (incl ASIC FEE & GST)

Documentation reflecting the current status of your company can usually be obtained instantly. This can be provided in the form of current information only or with complete details on Officeholders, Members and addresses since incorporation. We are also able to obtain copies of all documents lodged with ASIC for the life of your company - instantly for documents lodged after 1991.

What type of Searches are available?

ASIC search documents can include:

  • Current Company Extract
  • Historical Company Extract
  • Person Search
  • Copy of Certificate of Registration
  • Copy of Documents lodged (Document Image)
  • Previously lodged copies of Memorandum & Articles of Association (M&As)

How long does a Company Search take?

For the most part, most documents can be downloaded from ASIC and emailed to you same day as ordering (if ordering before 4pm during business hours).

ASIC documents pre dating the 1991 electronic archives (such as previously lodged Forms or Memorandum & Articles of Association) can take up to 4 weeks as ASIC must extract these documents from their archives before they can upload them to their electronic register. For a service fee, Patricia Holdings will prepare a Form 961 and lodge with ASIC. Once the documents have been uploaded to their electronic system, they will be downloaded and emailed to you in PDF.

How to Order
