Company registration in Australia is easy with our online company incorporation platform. Let us help you register a company in a few simple steps. We've been registering Australian companies since 1968. In addition to registering a standard proprietary company, Patricia Holdings is able to register an extensive range of Australian company types to suit your requirements. 

All companies are registered with the Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC) and we provide you with the company's Certificate of Registration and a compliant Company Register that includes a Constitution drafted and regularly reviewed by Corporations Law specialists. 

Our document folders come in white as standard and also available in a deluxe black.

Our direct link with ASIC means Patricia Holdings can normally register a company for you in as little as 10 minutes. 

The following is a list of company types which we can provide for you:

  • Standard Pty Ltd Company

    (INCL ASIC FEE $597 & GST)

    Standard private company incorporations are better known as Pty (Proprietary) Ltd (Limited) Companies. Patricia Holdings can normally register a standard Pty Ltd company for you in 10 minutes. 

  • SMSF Trustee Company

    (INCL ASIC FEE $597 & GST)

    This type of proprietary company is registered through ASIC as a company whose sole purpose is to act as the Trustee of a regulated Superannuation Fund (such as an SMSF). Notified to ASIC as a Special Purpose Company it attracts a reduced rate on the Annual Fee payable to ASIC.

  • Not-For-Profit Pty Ltd Company

    (INCL ASIC FEE $597 & GST)

    This type of proprietary limited (Pty Ltd) company is registered with ASIC as a company whose sole purpose is to pursue charitable purposes. Notified to ASIC as a Special Purpose Company it attracts a reduced rate on the Annual Fee payable to ASIC.

  • Home Unit Company

    (INCL ASIC FEE $597 & GST)

    This company is registered to purchase property under a Company Title scheme with a constitution that contains relevant sections relating to specific aspects such as the plans of the property, by-laws and lot entitlement tables. Notified to ASIC as a Special Purpose Company it attracts a reduced rate on the Annual Fee payable to ASIC.

  • Limited By Guarantee Company

    (INCL ASIC FEE $491 & GST)

    This type of business structure is appropriate for not-for-profit or charitable organisations. Public Companies Limited by Guarantee can usually apply for taxation concessions through the Australian Taxation Office (ATO), such as Deductible Gift Recipient (DGR) endorsement if they wish to operate as a charity.

  • Unlisted Public Company

    (INCL ASIC FEE $597 & GST)

    An unlisted public company can have unlimited shareholders and can offer shares to the public, but they are not yet listed on a prescribed financial market (eg. the ASX).
