We will need information regarding:
ABN/TFN Registration:
- Details of the entity including name and contact details
- The business’ general activities
- Authorised contact details (these are the individuals who are permitted to liaise with the ATO on behalf of the entity)
- Associate details (these are the individuals and organisations who play a role in the entity)
- Associate Individuals
- Legal name
- Date of birth
- Position(s)
- TFN or residential address - Associate Organisations:
- Legal name
- ACN, ARBN or ABN if applicable
- TFN or address and date of registration
- Associate Individuals
GST Registration:
- Estimated annual sales turnover
- Desired GST reporting period (monthly, quarterly or annually)
NB not all options are available to all entities.
PAYG Registration:
- Estimated number of employees (including directors receiving a salary)
- Estimated amount of income tax to be withheld