The existing Trustee may resign or be removed. If by resignation it can be verbal or in writing (in writing is preferable).
If there is more than one Trustee, the notice, whether verbal or in writing, is given to the other Trustee or Trustees if there is more than one Trustee. If there is only one Trustee then the notice is given to the Nominated Beneficiaries.
A Trustee can be removed by the Appointor. Depending upon the wording of the Deed, either the retiring Trustee appoints a new Trustee or the Appointor appoints a new Trustee. The appointment should be in writing, preferably by Deed and should be signed by the new Trustee and incorporate an undertaking by the new Trustee to act as Trustee and discharge the duties of a Trustee set out in the Deed and at law.
Most Family Trust deeds provide that it is the Appointor that has the power to remove an existing Trustee and appoint a new Trustee.
The Patricia Holdings Family Trust deeds provide that the Appointor is the person who may remove a Trustee and appoint a new Trustee except in the following cases:
- if there is no Appointor then a Trustee (either the retiring Trustee or a continuing Trustee) has the power to appoint a new Trustee
- if the Trustee has died then the deceased Trustee's Executor (Legal Personal Representative) has the power to appoint
- if the Trustee or Legal Personal Representative fail or refuse to appoint then the Nominated Beneficiaries can appoint.