Company Registration

Learn how to register a company, how best to set up a company in Australia with ASIC and more.

If you will be registering your company with the ACNC (and wish to be eligible for reduced annual ASIC fees) or if you would like to operate your CLG without the word ‘Limited’ or ‘Ltd’ in its name, you will have to meet the requirements set down for what is called a ‘special purpose company’. In the context of a charity, this means that your CLG will need to be established for charitable purposes and must contain wording in its constitution that prevents Directors from being paid in their capacity as Directors.

If you choose not to register as a charity, but still meet the ‘special purpose’ company requirements, then your annual renewal fee with ASIC will be reduced by around $61.

So, if you do want to operate without the word ‘Limited’ or ‘Ltd’, or if you want to prevent payments to Directors for whatever reason, then our constitution entitled "Limited by Guarantee – special purpose not-for-profit" is the one for you.
If you do want to pay Directors, then the constitution entitled "Company Limited by Guarantee- standard constitution" is for you.

Please note - if you want to operate without the word ‘Limited’ or ‘Ltd’ you must first incorporate your company, then register as a charity with the ACNC and then later apply to ASIC for removal

Company Registration

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