Provide an "authority to leave" for my parcel ?
Stamp Duty cost is not included in the price for this Trust Deed. In NSW the Office of State Revenue fees are $750.00 for the original deed and $20.00 for subsequent duplicates on top of the price of the Trust Deed. If you wish to include stamping, please select the number of copies. A service fee of $143.00 (inc. GST) including GST is applicable.
Revenue NSW has implemented important changes to EDR requirements. From 18 Nov 2024, the contact details of the liable party are required for stamping. This will enable Revenue NSW to contact the parties directly if a transaction is selected for audit or requires debt recovery.
Stamp Duty cost is not included in the price for this Trust Deed. In Victoria the State Revenue Office fees are $200.00 on top of the price of the Trust Deed. A service fee of $121.00 (inc. GST) including GST is applicable.
Stamp Duty Refunds
Please provide bank account details below, in the event we need to refund stamp duty payments.
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We take credit card fraud and cybercrime seriously. We will record your details including IP address and Port number during the payment process.